Project Request Form - Milford Schools Foundation
The Milford Schools Foundation is proud to be a part of the community and to be able to help enhance the learning abilities and experiences for all students. If you have a request for funding for a project for your class or school please feel free to submit a application.

The Milford Schools Foundation provides funding for project requests that support the academic programs, services, and capital improvement projects of the Milford Exempted Village School District. Project requests will be awarded to support traditional academic subjects, the arts, music, technology, athletics, emergency funds, special education, and other high impact projects.

A copy of this application questions and your responses will emailed to the address below. You should receive an email confirmation within seconds from Google Forms (check your SPAM/Clutter/Junk/Promotions/Etc folder).

- Milford Schools Foundation
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Requestor's Name *
Request Date (today) *
School Name *
Choose all schools that will be impacted by this project.
Grade Level *
Choose all grades that will be impacted by this project.
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