SFA membership (2023-2024) sign-up form
Please complete the form to become a member of the ISAPP-SFA. You will receive an automatic notification if the form submission was successful. After completion, your membership will be active from 31-Jul-2023 to 31-Jul-2024.

Please do not hesitate to send questions or comments to isappsfa99@gmail.com
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Email *
Are you applying as a new member or renewing your membership? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Degree(s) earned *
Current position *
If "Other" please specify
Country of residence *
University or institute of affiliation *
Supervisor Name *
Type N/A if you have no supervisor
Enter up to 10 keywords describing your research *
How did you find out about us? *
Our mission is to create an interactive network of students and postdoctoral fellow working on pre- and probiotics across the globe, to promote intellectual and technical exchange, to advance science, and to help developing careers. Tell us more about why you’re interested in joining ISAPP-SFA (www.isapp-sfa.com) and whether you'd like to get more actively involved in our organization and yearly ISAPP-SFA meetings!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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