Natural Resource Concern Survey
We use the information from this survey to update our Strategic Plan and Operations Plan. The Natural Resource Conservation Service in Lewis and Clark County will use the information gathered to update their long range plan and to help them plan for program delivery.
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What is your Lewis and Clark County property zip code? *
What is your email address? *
Please enter your name.
Please enter your phone number. *
Resource Concern *
No Concern
Moderate Concern
High Concern
Forest Management-Fuels, Fire, Pest mitigation or forest health
Invasive Species Management
Soil-Health, erosion, cover cropping, etc.
Irrigation Water Management
Streams & water quality - erosion, channel migration, etc.
Groundwater quality
Wildlife/pollinator habitat
Livestock Management-rotational grazing, infrastructure, water, etc.
Land Use Conversion
Describe other issues/concerns that you would like assistance with. We will do our best to direct your request to the most applicable person/agency and follow up with you promptly.
What are you looking for help with?
If you chose "Other" above, please give us more information on what you're looking for.
Can we add you to our quarterly electronic newsletter list? *
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