Cosmology and Astroparticle Student and Postdoc Exchange Network (CASPEN)
Welcome to the Cosmoparticle Visitor Exchange Programme, linking London UCL, Ohio State CCAPP, New York CCA, Stanford KIPAC, Stockholm OKC and Durham ICC. We encourage and support visits from junior scientists who have interests, or who wish to develop interests, in several of the areas in which we do research. This helps the cross-fertilization that we find important for advances at the interface of Cosmology and Particle Physics. If you would like to visit one of our Institutes, please contact any of our members you are interested in visiting, and then fill in the short form below.
Visits are expected to last 3-14 days, although longer visits will be considered in exceptional cases. We encourage visits involving collaborative activities with a number of host institute members.
Financial support will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
Please start by entering your email address: