Bullying Report Form 

To be completed by the bullying target, witness, or person with information about an incident of bullying and submitted to the Building Principal’s office.

Email *
Name *
Date *
Who is filling out this form ? *
Do you wish to remain anonymous? *
Date & Time of Incident
Person(s) being reported as targets of bullying *
Person(s) being reported as the aggressors engaged in bullying. 
Person(s) who witnessed the bullying. 
Was the incident based on any of these?
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Student(s) were targeted for bullying in the following way(s): (Check all that apply.)

Student(s) were targeted for bullying in the following place(s): (Check all that apply.)

Please tell us about the incident in your own words.  Use as much detail as possible - what time did the incident(s) take place, who witnessed it, what was said, what types of interactions occurred (physical, written, social, electronic, etc.)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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