Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
1. Teachers of science in my school pay close attention to science content standards in their instruction
2. Teachers of science in my school pay close attention to NSE standards in their instruction
3. Teachers of science in my school pay attention to the Literacy Standards in Science
4. Teachers of science in my school are integrating NSE standards with content standards, rather than teaching them separately.
5. Teachers of science in my school have a good awareness of what students learn in prior grades and later grades for each topic they teach
6. Teachers of science in my school put emphasis on big concepts in science rather that isolated facts.
7. Teachers of science in my school coordinate their instruction through common unit or lesson plansĀ
8. Teachers of science use data from common assessments or student work to analyze effectiveness of instruction.
9. The science standards are helpful in planning and focusing instruction
10. The science standards make it difficult to be creative and respond to student interests
11.Teachers and administrators in my school put an emphasis on Science MCA results
12. Teachers of science in my school integrate engineering with instruction in science concepts.