Applications in progress (Jan 2025), you will receive an email with next steps if accepted

Email *
What's your name? *
What's your Instagram name? Do you follow @pineconegolfclub ? *
How did you hear about PGC?
If other member, include name
Tell us about your self - Handicap, how many times you play, hobbies, work, anything you'd like to share. More info the better! *
Why do you want to join PGC?
Helps understand your if we are the right fit for you 
SCGA Promo video feat. Pinecone Golf Club
We are a large but close nit crew of friends golfing from SB to SD. Voted top clubs under 40, most diverse, and top 3 new clubs in SCGA. We host 1-2 tournaments a month, with lots of spontaneous informal rounds between tournaments(large discord group). Beers, music, friends, and some competitive golf is what our tournaments are about. Our member network ranges from Architects, Doctors, Engineers, Electricians, Mechanics, Chefs. ect. You'll make new friends, play some golf, and network. Are you ready?   *
Membership dues $200, $150 renew memberships. This helps us pay for trophies, poster prints, club supplies, and those huge tournament deposits, ect. the cost of running an efficient club with many perks. As a member you gain access to all our exclusive tournaments, discount codes, discord chat(never golf alone), access to hi-res pics(we are always roaming around with the camera), tournament prizes.   *
2023 ConeCup - Torrey Pines 
Custom team outfits - Top 40 Invite at Rams Hill
2023 Top 40 - Tournament at Goat Hill
2023 Top 40 - tournament at Goat Hill
2023 Top 40 - 3 Day tournament at Torrey Pines 
2023 ConeCup - Goat Hill 
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