Evaluation Time- & Projectmanagement (Nov.-Dec. 2020) - UL Sterrewacht
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1. What did you think of the part 'Time management'? *
1a. Remarks concerning question 1:
2. What did you think of the part about Project management? *
2a. Remarks concerning question 2:
3. Were there items in this programme which you found superfluous (not necessary)? *
3a. If so, which parts of the programme and why?
4. Are there subjects you missed in this programme? *
4a. If so, which parts of the programme and why?
5. Trainer Maarten Bordewijk was knowledgeable and explained clearly. *
5a. Remarks concerning question 5:
6. Please grade the programme of these two days using a mark (from 1 to 10; 1 being the worst evaluation, 10 the best): *
7. Do you have any other remarks about the programme?
Thank you!
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