Junior Patrol Contact form
Thank you for showing interest in junior patrol! Our tryouts are normally held in March and April, but final dates will usually come out in February. A great way to find up to date information is by checking out the instagram, @wpjuniorskipatrol.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What ages do I have to be to be on patrol? Am I too old?

Generally, we accept candidates between the ages of 14-16. In order to try out, you must be turning 15 within the calendar year, i.e. trying out in March of 2024, turning 15 in December of 2024. 
If you are older, (trying out your junior year, would be a candidate your senior year), it is difficult to prioritize you as it takes a lot of work to join patrol and your 'candidate year' shouldn't be your only year. There are definitely circumstances when we will accept someone who will be a senior, but it is less likely. 

Can I be a snowboarder?

Winter Park Ski Patrol only accepts alpine and telemark skiers. No exceptions.

Do I need to 'reserve' a ski test spot in advance?

You do not need to reserve a spot for the ski test in advance. Registration is 8a - 8:30a morning of the test 

4: When are ski test dates?

March 9th, 2024 and March 24th, 2024

5: Do I have to shadow before I try out?

No, but it is highly recommended. The more someone shadows before taking the ski test, the better idea we have of the kind of person and skier they are, and they will likely be more strongly considered. If you do shadow, come with a parent or legal guardian and be ready to spend the whole day on hill. As of right now, you do not need to reserve a spot in advance. 

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