Undergraduate Research Questionnaire
Hello! Are you an undergraduate enrolled at University of Arizona in a Molecular Biology or adjacent major? Are you interested in molecular biology, microbiology, or host-microbe interaction research? We'd like to get to know you better to see if we are a good fit for your undergraduate research experience. 

Please complete this questionnaire if you are currently enrolled at the University of Arizona as an undergraduate and are interested in doing research with the Schomer Lab. This questionnaire will allow Dr. Schomer to evaluate your interests and determine if this research experience is right for you. Please use your University of Arizona email address.

After you have completed the below questions, please contact Dr. Schomer by email and let us know you've filled out the questionnaire.

For more information about the Schomer Lab, please visit: https://www.schomerlab.com
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Email *
What is your major? *
What motivated you to choose your major? If you are undeclared, what are you considering and why? *
Describe why you are choosing to pursue an undergraduate research opportunity: *
What courses related to microbiology, plant pathology, or plant science have you successfully completed? (Note to underclassmen: if you have not taken any courses related to these topics, please let me know what lab courses you have taken or are enrolled in classes for the current or upcoming semester) *
The top three things that motivate me are: *
These are the ways I receive feedback best: *
(Optional) Last, I think you should know that:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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