Epworth Caring Network Questionnaire

Epworth is a community where individuals are caring for and supporting each other all the time. Everyone needs a little extra help from time to time, and we’re launching the Caring Network to help the church community make connections between people in times of need. Opportunities to support people in the Epworth community will include things like running errands, giving someone a ride, preparing a meal, or writing a letter to let someone know you’re thinking about them. This caring service is already happening every day in our community – the goal of the Caring Network is to create a space where people can request help and offer support, and to target outreach to folks who may be able to offer help. 

To join the network of helpers, please take a few minutes to complete this short questionnaire to identify your preferences for how and when you are best able to participate in the Caring Network. We’ll reach out to you when a matching request arises to see if you’re available to help. It’s that simple. This information will be kept confidential and only shared with the small team of program facilitators. 

If you have questions about the Caring Network, please contact Brit Toven-Lindsey: brit.toven@gmail.com. 
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How do you wish for us to contact you regarding requests for support? 
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The Caring Network will create a spreadsheet of potential volunteers for different areas of service (i.e., errands, driving, meals). 

Please indicate which categories of support you want to be a part of (check all that apply). 

I may be willing to: 
What days/times are you mostly likely available during the week to offer support (check all that apply). 
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
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