For the Nations DC English Classes, Fairfax Childcare Registration Form - Fall 2024
Please fill out 1 form for each child you will bring with you.

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Adult Student First Name *
Adult Student Last Name *
Adult Student Relationship to child (Example: Mother, Father, etc.) *
Adult Phone Number *
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Child's Gender *
Child's Age  *
Child's Birthday. Please list the month, day, and year. (Example: June 1, 2020) *
Please list any food that your child is allergic to (makes your child sick). If your child does not have food allergies, put NONE. We do not serve any meat or gelatin in our childcare area. *
Does your child wear diapers or can they use the toilet? *
If your child wears diapers, what size diaper do they wear?
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Please list any other information that is important to know about your child. (For example, please tell us if you are breastfeeding or if your child eats or takes a nap at a specific time.)
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