2023 Advent Pageant
The Advent / Christmas Pageant is one of the most cherished traditions of our children's faith formation at Saint John's.  This year's edition will be offered in the Timberlake Hall and on YouTube LIVE on the evening of Sunday December 17th at 5:00pm. Children (pre-school and above) and Youth—and some extra help!—together will offer a night of arts and reflection. With Christmas Eve, December 24, falling on a Sunday this year, we will focus our pageant on December 17 on the advent themes of hope and longing for justice and peace—themes we all resonate with given what is going on in our world today. And we are looking forward to the pageant having the support of the SJE Community of the Arts (COTA) ministry group!!

The script will be chosen and parts assigned once we know how many children will be participating. We ask all parents please to sign your kids up if they will be participating no later than Sunday, December 3. We will likely have a rehearsal on Saturday, December 9 and Saturday, December 16, at 10am. 

If you have more than one child participating, please complete one form for each child. Thank you!!!!

**Please note, if your pre-school child is not yet potty trained, a parent must attend rehearsals as well to assist with any needed diaper changes.**
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Register Your Child to Participate!
Register your child or teenager by filling out the form below...
Child's Name *
Child's Age *
If your child is not yet potty trained, please check below to affirm you will ensure that a parent stays with the child at rehearsals to assist with any needed diaper changes.
Would your child like to have a speaking role? *
Would your child want to help with the music? *
Name of Parent or Guardian *
Parent/Guardian E-mail *
Will your child miss any of the rehearsals? *
As a parent, are you willing to help with any of the following?
Parents and adults...
You can also sign up to help out online here: http://sjegh.com/pageanthelp
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