Resilience: Building a stronger ELT Sector
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LAMSIG PCE Call for Speakers
Our PCE in Belfast will be on 16 May 2022 and we are currently looking for 4 to 5 speakers to deliver short 15 to 20 minute talks. The theme for the days is Resilience: Building a stronger ELT sector, and a description of the theme can be found here:

Our PCE will focus on addressing the following questions:

How can we anticipate incremental and sudden disruptions?
How can we prepare our organisations and the industry for change?
How can we become more tolerant to change?
How can we become more resilient as organisations and as an industry?
Name of presenter(s) *
Email (of main presenter) *
Title of presentation (12 words maximum) *
Abstract (60 words maximum) *
Summary (250 words maximum) *
How does your presentation address the theme of organisational resilience? *
Permission for your email to be shared with attendees *
Permission for your photo to be used in promotional materials for the event *
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