The Salon Vie Customer Survey
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Making Your Appointment
Which salon was your appointment for? *
How quickly was the phone answered? *
How was the receptionist's phone manner? *
Did you get the day and time you wanted? *
Was it easy to make your appointment? *
Other comments about making your appointment
Arriving and Waiting for Your Appointment
Were you greeted promptly? *
Were you offered a drink? *
Other comments about arriving and waiting for your appointment
Having Your Hair Washed
If applicable, how was your hair wash?
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If you had your hair washed, were you told about the shampoo?
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Other comments about your hair wash
Your Hairdressing Service or Beauty Treatment
How was the manner of your stylist or therapist? *
Did you enjoy your service or treatment? *
Other comments about your service or treatment
Your Stylist's or Therapist's Knowledge
If you had any questions regarding your service, how were they answered?
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If you had any questions about hair or beauty products, how were they answered?
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Other comments about your stylist's or therapists knowledge
Leaving The Salon
How was the checkout process? *
If checkout was just ok or not good, why?
Your Experience Overall
Would you return to the salon? *
Would you recommend the salon to others? *
If You Could Change Just One Thing
If you could change just one thing, to make your experience at the salon better, what would it be?
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