Registration for Song to the Earth workshops and performances
Workshop on 15 May, rehearsal (20 May) and performances (21 & 22 May) for violin, viola, cello and percussion students aged 13-17 years with 3rd grade AMEB (or equivalent) level or above.  All activities will be locaated at the Redlands Performing Arts Centre.
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Full name of participant
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How long have you been playing and what level are you?
Instrumental teacher
Your child's school (or if they're homeschooled)?
Name of parent/guardian
Best contact number
Email of parent/guardian
I, the parent/guardian of the participant give permission for him/her to be photographed, filmed or interviewed during 'Song to the Earth' activities.  I consent to the use or reproduction of photographs and footage of the aforementioned participant for a variety of promotional or fundraising purposes. I agree that the 'Song to the Earth' production team owns the images and all rights related to them. I acknowledge that the 'Song to the Earth' production team and members of DeepBlue will make every reasonable effort to ensure the safety of all participants and their property and I understand that the 'Song to the Earth' production team will not be liable in any injury or accident, or for damage or loss of property. I have read this release and confirm that I understand its content, and I freely accept the terms by writing my name below.
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