Adoption Application

The House Rabbit Society believes pet ownership is a serious responsibility and a life-long commitment. Our goal is to place rabbits in the best possible home where the adoptive person realizes his/her obligation to the adopted rabbit. Please complete this application with full honesty about your lifestyle, so that you and the adopted rabbit provide a good match for one another. The House Rabbit Society reserves the right to refuse any adoption.

(Some of the questions are not intended to exclude you as a candidate, but rather to see where we need to provide you with information on a topic.) 

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Email *
Full Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
How did you hear about the House Rabbit Society?
Is there a specific rabbit you are interested in? If so, please name below.
Have you already contacted a Buckeye House Rabbit Society volunteer directly?
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Have you ever had a rabbit before?

If yes, please describe:

Have you ever adopted an animal before? 

If yes, please describe:

Why do you want to adopt a rabbit? (Be specific) 


How long have you been looking for a pet rabbit?


Is this rabbit going to be a gift?


Are you at least 18 years of age?


Do you intend for this rabbit to live indoors or outdoors? 


What type of room will the rabbit live in? 

Please describe the rabbit's future room: *

Do you have a cage for the rabbit? 


Do you rent or own your current home? 


If you rent, do you have permission to house a rabbit indoors? 

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Are you willing to “bunny-proof” your house, i.e., protect/hide electrical cords, remove items you don’t want chewed? 


Will you be moving soon? (Please provide new address if possible) 

Do you have children? 

If yes what are their ages?

Does anyone in your household have allergies to any animals? 

Please list the veterinarian you use or plan to use (for vets recommended by BHRS see: : *

Can you accept full financial responsibility for a rabbit? 


Have you ever clipped an animal’s toenails?


Please list and describe the pets who currently live with you and indicate if they are spayed/neutered: 

Describe where any current pets live in your home:

Who will care for your rabbit when you are away? (i.e., vacations, weekends) 


Where will your rabbit stay when you’re away? 

What type of rabbit behavior would you not be willing to tolerate? *

Are you willing to spend time with the rabbit to correct any behavior problems? 


What would you do if your rabbit chewed through your phone cords? 


What would you do if your rabbit bit you?


What would you do if your rabbit did not like to be held?


What would you do if your rabbit chewed and dug at your carpeting?

How often are you or your family at home? *

If you are not home very much, would you be willing to consider another rabbit to keep yours company? 


By submitting this form I certify that the above information is true. 

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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