Towards Better KGP (Hall Coordinator Program 2016-17)
Let's join hands in creating an atmosphere where Depression, Mental Health and Counselling are not social taboos anymore. Lets talk about depression, lets talk about mental health.
Depression is a sickness and not a weakness, it can be cured just like any other ailment.Let's spread this message.

Student Welfare Group is launching a program named Hall Coordinators Program to provide help to the needed. We need motivated students who would help us in expanding our reach to each and every student of KGP.
Primary duty of Hall Coordinators is to manage a team of wing-representatives to reach out to people in your neighborhood and coordinate between the student community & the Counselling Center.
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Name *
Roll Number *
Email-id *
Phone No. *
Hall of Residence *
Will you be willing to contribute in the capacity of a Hall Coordinator or Wing-Representative? *
Year of passing *
Any suggestions to create awareness about mental health and how visiting Counselling Center can be promoted.
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