The Power of Global Collaboration

This project is a global collaboration conducted by GWN (Global Women’s Network for Providers of Women’s SUD Treatment and Recovery) and ISSUP (International Society of Substance Use Professionals). The aim is to survey key aspects of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment  and develop solutions and tools for providers around the world.

The questionnaire is anonymous. Please respond with the most precise information about the SUD treatment center where you work, to the best of your ability.

Thank you for your valuable contribution to this collaborative effort.

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Could you please specify the country where the Substance Use Disorder Treatment Center is located?


What gender(s) does your treatment center provide services to?


If applicable, does your treatment center offer gender-specific evidence-based treatment programs for women?

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If you answered yes, please specify the evidence-based treatment programs offered.

Do you consider that experiences of trauma contribute to the development of Substance Use Disorder?

Not at all

Do you believe that traumatic experiences affect the outcomes of Substance Use Disorder treatment?

Not at all

Does your treatment center utilize a standardized tool for screening and/ or assessing Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

If you answered yes, kindly specify the tool utilized.

Who within your center has received training in science-based trauma interventions and procedures?


If we provided trauma-based training and practical tools for your treatment program, would you be interested in receiving it?

Access to treatment: Internet and online tools available

Does your Treatment Center possess any of the following? Please select all that apply.


If you indicated that your Treatment Center has any form of digital presence, please provide the link to the website or social media account.

Do you consider having an accessible website for the treatment center with essential information to be important to improve access to treatment?

Not important
If we offered training for improving access to treatment using  digital tools  for your treatment programme, would you want to receive it? *

Would you like to share any additional thoughts or experiences related to trauma and digital access to treatment?

If you're interested in receiving updates on the survey results and staying in contact with the organizations managing the study, please provide your contact email.

By completing this form, I acknowledge and consent to share the provided data with the research team solely for scientific purposes.
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