What's Cooking Registration
Please join us for 4 half days April 20-April 23rd for a COOKING and STEAM program offered by Cambridge Camping in collaboration with Lesley University. There are no enrollment costs and needed food and equipment will be provided.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and Last Name of Camper
Birth Date of Camper
Apron size
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School and Grade of Camper
Name of Parent or Guardian
Phone Number of Parent or Guardian
Email of Parent or Guardian
Name, email and phone number of preferred contact during program hours, guardian or camper, if case of connectivity issues.
Would you prefer your child to participate in the morning session (9:30-12:30) or the afternoon session (2:30-5:30).  PLEASE NOTE: WE CAN NOT GUARANTEE THAT WE CAN HONOR ALL PREFERENCES.
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Any Food Allergies or Dietary Restrictions?
Can the camper use (check all that apply)
Is it hard to maintain internet connections from your home?  If yes, please describe what happens during online activities. (We want to help solve these issues!)
I, as parent or guardian, can supervise or allow the camper to use cooking/cutting tools and have access to the oven and microwave.
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I give permission for screenshots from online programming to be used in fundraising and marketing material
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Is there anything else you think we should know about your camper or your family?
The next two questions help us to obtain grant funding.
Ethnicity of Camper
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Income of Household . CCA is committed to ensuring that all children have access to exceptional summer and school-year programming.
PLEASE READ: Waiver for online participation

  I understand that I am responsible for supervising and maintaining any online accounts that my child may be using as part of the Cambridge Camping programming.

I understand that it is my responsibility to limit or screen any photos or videos that my child or I upload  and that Cambridge Camping cannot control other children’ access to these materials.

I understand that two-way interactions or group sessions that my child participates in will be closed and will only allow registered participants and approved staff and volunteers to participate.

 I will ensure that my child is appropriately dressed  and that they are appropriate in their interactions.  If Cambridge Camping staff have concerns, they may temporarily turn off my child’s video and contact me by phone or text.

Bullying, including cyberbullying, during a session or outside of a session is not appropriate. Issues and consequences will be addressed with child and parent including and not limited to temporary or permanent removal from virtual programming.

I understand that my child may be in either a screenshot and/or video record. These recordings are for monitoring CCA activities and ensuring oversight and safety. Before either a screenshot or a recording happens, participants will be notified. If I do not wish for my child to be in the picture or the recording, they should immediately turn off their camera and mic. Leaving either of those two on is implied consent. It is solely my responsibility to take any necessary steps to prevent my child being recorded.

I understand that it is highly recommended that my child participates in virtual programming in an open area of my home where I can monitor their participation.

 I will instruct my child not to take videos or screenshots of other children or staff online.

I have read, acknowledge, and accept the conditions of the waiver for the Cambridge Camping/Lesley University "What's Cooking" Program
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Please type your name to sign
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