34th Ave Story Circle: Reflecting on the Past and Future of Urban Streets
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 12:00-1:30 pm
Location: The Heyman Center, Second Floor Common Room, Columbia University

Public Humanities Fellow Bridget Bartolini will present 34th Avenue Oral History, and project participants Jim Burke and Esthi Zipori will speak on the history and future of urban streets and their activism around reimagining post-pandemic New York City. Attendees will be invited to share their own experiences in a story circle workshop and join a facilitated discussion around city streets.

This event is part of the Heyman Center’s Building Publics series, which showcases how Public Humanities Graduate Fellows bridge humanistic thinking with civic engagement and social justice, scholarly research with public building and communication in order to unleash new, more critical modes of scholarly imaginations.

Questions? Contact: beb2131@columbia.edu
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