2022 USAP Events Ambassador Program
In an effort to create growth in our endurance sports events we are looking for individuals that can help in this process through the channels they have within their work and play.  We look forward to making you a part of the 2022 USAP Ambassador Program.
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Age: *
Address: *
Phone Number: *
Employer: *
Job Title: *
As an influential USAP Ambassador, name the benefits and connections to the community you can provide to USAP in 2022? *
Are you a member of a team or club? If yes, which one? *
Which USAP Events are you planning on doing? *
What is your favorite USAP race of the season?
What Social Media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) do you use, how many followers on each platform? *
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