Book Actions on Google Search interest form
Use this form to let Google know that you want to be included in book actions in Google Search ( For the time being, to ensure robust coverage and better serve our users, this feature is open to popular book providers that have broad book availability.

Submissions are governed by Google’s Privacy Policy ( and Terms of Service (

By submitting this request, you acknowledge that this request is merely an expression of interest, and Google has no obligation to incorporate your content in our media features.
E-pasta adrese *
Please review the following pre-requisites before submitting the form:

1. Your domain must be owned by you or your organization.

2. If your site is an online retailer, the page must allow users to purchase either eBooks and/or audiobooks.
*** Please don't submit the interest form if your site only sells physical books, as purchasing physical books is not currently supported in the Book Actions feature.

3. If your site belongs to a library, the URL landing page must allow users to borrow either eBooks, audiobooks, and/or physical books.

4. Your site has URLs that take users directly to the content of your book's landing page.
How do you distribute your books online? If other, please explain. *
In what countries do you sell or distribute books? *
Use a comma-delimited list of 2-letter ISO 3166-2 country codes, e.g. "us, uk, jp".
What type(s) of books do you sell or distribute? *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
How many books do you currently distribute? *
Please list the total amount by country and by type (audiobook, eBook, physical)
Are you the primary domain owner or belong to a team that has access to the domain site? *
What is the name of your company or library? *
Please include an example landing page URL that directs users to either an eBook or audiobook *
*This must be a URL that you own or have access to make changes to
Do each of your books have a valid ISBN #? *
Please review valid isbn guidelines  If unsure, select "other" and explain further.
Do these ISBN's display on your books landing page? *
If unsure, select "other" and explain further.
How is access to your content restricted? *
* Select all that apply.
Jāaizpilda obligāti
What methods of data delivery can you support? *
*Check all that apply. If unsure, select "other" and explain further.
Jāaizpilda obligāti
What is the best email to contact you with? *
Notīrīt veidlapu
Nekad neiesniedziet paroles, izmantojot Google veidlapas.
Šī veidlapa tika izveidota domēnā Konfidencialitāte un noteikumi