Commissions Form
Fill out this form if you are looking for a graphics commission! I will get back to you as soon as possible!
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What is your username? (Please make sure your DMs are on) *
What is the name of your character? Or, what is their faceclaim?
Did you read the page on commissions in my carrd? (Link is in my bio) *
What are you looking for me to make you? *
The next few questions are optional. If you do not have anything specific in mind, leave them blank!
Do you have a color in mind?
Do you want text? Username, quote, etc.?
If you said yes to text, what kind of font would you like? Cursive, horror, digital, etc.?
Do you want textures?
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Do you want an overlay? (Crumpled paper, plastic, etc.)
If this is a pinned graphic, do you want a gif?
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If you are getting a layout, about how many screencaps would you like?
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If you are getting a layout, what would you like your profile picture to look like?
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I will DM the account you listed above to discuss your commission!
Please understand that I will base my pricing off of what you describe to me, and I will give you it upfront before starting on a commission.
Prices are listed on my carrd in my bio with examples on each type of layout & pinned graphic. I accept payment through Ko-Fi, which is also linked on my carrd.
If commissions are closed, you will be waitlisted. If they are paused, I will update on my account.
Please be patient! Commissions should take about a week. If I expect it to take longer or if I have some sort of emergency, I will DM you.
Please mark below that you understand my policies! Thank you!
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