100 Voices: Nomination Form

Do you know someone who inspires you with their work in quality improvement (QI)? Maybe it's a colleague, a mentor, or even yourself!  

We're creating 100 Voices, a book and audio series celebrating inspiring improvement stories from every corner of healthcare. Help us find the #QIHeroes who are making a real difference! 

Nominate yourself or someone you admire by completing the form below, or email andrea.gibbons@somersetft.nhs.uk.  

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Email *
Their name *
Their contact details (optional)
Why are you nominating this person? (Write as much or as little as you feel is needed to capture what makes their story unique and inspiring? What makes them stand out? Why you think their story deserves to be shared) *
Your Name
Your Email
Data Protection
By submitting this nomination form, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data and the data of your nominee to facilitate the 100 Voices project. This includes contacting you and your nominee and - with their explicit permission - potentially publishing their story. We take data protection seriously and will handle your information responsibly. You can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing andrea.gibbons@somersetft.nhs.uk  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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