Southeast Alaska Fishery Access Survey

Dear Southeast Alaska Community Members,

We hope this message finds you enjoying these longer spring days. The Alaska Sustainable Fisheries Trust (ASFT) in coordination with the Sustainable Southeast Partnership invites community members across Southeast Alaska to participate in a short survey regarding local fishery access. Your feedback will help inform ASFT’s work to promote sustainable fisheries practices and ensure equitable access to Alaska's rich marine resources. With funding through the Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy (SASS) initiative, ASFT is conducting this survey to help assess local participation in the region’s fisheries, including any barriers preventing community members from engaging in local/regional fisheries. Your input will help us better understand those barriers and identify potential solutions that could enable you and other community members to engage with the fisheries you wish to participate in.

We are interested in all forms of fishing, including subsistence, commercial, and recreational harvesting, and we welcome all perspectives and experiences. Please take a moment to complete our survey at your convenience. All responses will be anonymized for confidentiality, and the resulting report will be available to all participants. Also, all community members are welcome to take the survey, so please share it with others. We appreciate your time and contribution to this report. Your insights will enable us to serve Southeast Alaska communities better and promote a more resilient and inclusive fishing industry.


  1. What will the survey be used for?

    Answers will be used in the ASFT report and help inform future research and efforts surrounding fisheries' access in Southeast that will be shared with participants and communities for their planning purposes.

  2. What is the process?

    In-person, remote, and online survey interviews will be synthesized to identify common themes that inform barriers to fisheries access as well as opportunities to improve access in Southeast Alaska. If you would be more comfortable providing your input verbally over the phone, please get in touch with

  3. Who can I contact with questions?

    If you have questions or wish to provide your feedback verbally, please don’t hesitate to contact or

  4. What about data protection and confidentiality?

    Information shared as part of this survey will be anonymized to preserve confidentiality. Your answers will be synthesized with others before being included in the report. No identifying details will be published. If at any point you wish to remove your answers from the survey, you may do so without providing a reason.

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Your name:
Your age:
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Your gender? 
Do you consent to be contacted by the Alaska Sustainable Fisheries Trust about future fisheries access improvement opportunities or projects? 
What community do you live in? How long have you lived in this community? 
Please share a little about yourself and your fishing background in any type of harvesting (including commercial, subsistence, personal use as well as sport fishing).  
What fisheries do you currently participate in? Where/when/species? Do you participate as a permit holder, quota holder, or crew member?
Are there other fisheries that you would like to participate in but do not currently? Are there specific reasons why you are not participating in those other fisheries?
Who taught you to fish? Do/did your parents, grandparents, or relatives participate in fishing?
Do you feel your community identity is connected to fishing? What has commercial fishing looked like in your community in recent decades? 
Have there been any notable changes? Is there any specific event or change that sticks out in your mind as contributing to loss or growth of fishing activity in your community?
Are you training or mentoring any young people or beginning fishermen? If you are an active harvester, do you employ crew members? Where did you find your crew? Are crew members generally available in your community or do you have to look elsewhere?
When you are in need of marine services like welding, net-mending, engine repair, or cold storage where do you go? Are those services available in your community? What other services do you wish were available in your community to support fishing?

What changes in fish abundance (including size, location, and timing?) have you seen or are you currently seeing? Have you noticed changes occurring in the ecosystem? Do you feel those changes may be affecting fisheries?

Do you see fishing as an important part of Southeast Alaska’s sustainable economy in the future? Why or why not?
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