Why Hasn’t He Proposed?
Have you been dating for awhile—or even engaged—and not sure whether marriage is going to happen?

Take this quiz to evaluate the direction of your relationship and receive Dr. Zoe Shaw’s question-by-question analysis and advice upon completion of this form, as well as more stories and resources around this topic.
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Click here if you'd like to know what your score says about the future of your relationship after submitting the quiz.
0 points
How long have you been dating?
2 points
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Does he verbalize that marriage is important?
2 points
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Is he comfortable talking about moving in, having kids, buying a house together, but he gets squirmy when you bring up marriage?
2 points
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Does he blame you as the reason why he hasn’t proposed? Maybe he says you argue too much or when you improve in some area, then he will propose.
2 points
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Has he introduced you to his friends and family?
2 points
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Does HE bring up marriage?
2 points
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Does he ask you pointed questions about your family, your beliefs, your goals and desires for the future and what makes you tick?
2 points
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Does he demean you or otherwise belittle your desire to be married?
2 points
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Does he tell you that you're the love of his life and he wants you to be his wife, but:
2 points
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