UCSD Winter 2020 Team Blind Sign Up Form
We are using this form to collect registration for Team Blind. Please only submit this form **ONCE** for each team. If you do not have a WCA ID yet, simply write "None."  Team Blind will start at the beginning of lunch and we are planning for it to take around 30-40 minutes.

Team Blind is an event where two competitors cooperatively solve the 3x3x3 Cube. One competitor, the "caller," communicates which moves to execute to the other competitor, the "solver," who performs the moves.

We will follow the WCA Regulations as best as possible. The relevant changes are:
1. Starting/Stopping the solve
    1a) The solver must have a blindfold on before the inspection period begins.
    1b) The competitors will be given the usual 15 seconds of inspection with warnings at 8 and 12. Both members can touch the cube during this time and both competitors can communicate.
    1c) Only the solver may start/stop the timer.
    1d) The usual penalties for starting/stopping the timer apply.
2. During the solve
    2a) Unlike blindfold solving, no paper will be placed between the solver and the cube. Because of this, the solver should place the cube so that the blindfold is clearly obstructing the line of sight, but this will not be enforced. We are trusting you to not abuse this rule. This is supposed to be fun.
    2b) Both competitors may talk during the course of the solve.
3. Miscellaneous
    3a) We will hopefully separate partners to different tables, but, if that is not logistically possible, we expect pairs to make the best effort to not eavesdrop on adjacent teams. Again, we are trusting you not to cheat. This is 100% for fun.
    3b) The competitors may switch roles (caller becomes solver and solver becomes caller) in between solves.
    3c) The competitors must not communicate with anyone but each other and the judge during the solve.

The format will be an Average of 5 (ao5) with the best and worst times removed and the other three averaged.

**Cutoff and time limit:** We will have a cutoff of 1:30 and a 3:00 minute time limit for this event. This means that in order to complete the ao5, a team must solve under 1:30 in the first two solves. Any solve over 3:00 is a result of DNF.

The first 20 teams who sign up and who are registered for the competition will get to compete (that is, we will give preference to groups that fill out this form first and are registered by the registration deadline rather than those who registered for the competitions earlier and filled out this form later). In order to compete, you must be available to judge and scramble for Team Blind.

You cannot sign up to be in multiple teams.
Email *
Team Member 1 Name *
Team Member 1 WCA ID *
Team Member 2 Name *
Team Member 2 WCA ID *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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