Script Submissions
Artistic Director Jeremy Webb and his team put together each season of plays at Neptune Theatre with an eye to variety – a healthy mix of new and classic work, international and local stories, from musicals with large casts to intimate one-person plays.

Selections are made over the Summer months so that during the Fall, the proposed season is approved by our Board of Directors and included in the following season’s budgeting.  The lineup of shows will then be announced in the early part of the year.

Writers and directors can pitch scripts for us to consider, using this form. Directors may pitch plays that they would like to be attached to but do not own the rights to, provided they have a strong sense those rights are actually available.

If you are a director pitching someone else’s play, you are encouraged to also upload a cover letter detailing your artistic vision.

Playwrights may submit their own work, or do so through an agent. The plays we program will typically  not have been staged within 200km of Neptune for at least three years. However, the one rule we really believe about producing theatre is that there are no rules!

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Name *
Email *
Mailing address: *
Title of Play
Playwright's Name(s) *
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Who holds the performance rights to this play?
Is this play available for production?
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Logline / Synopsis (75 words maximum)
Number of characters/actors :
Has this play been produced before? Describe the play’s production history. (75 words max.)
Please acknowledge that as playwright you have submitted your play for consideration.
Please add up to 4 links below for publicly shared videos or files ie. Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
In Trust

Neptune Theatre accepts this unsolicited script and agrees not to produce this play without a performance rights agreement executed and signed with the playwright. Neptune Theatre will not plagiarize, reproduce, or present any part of your script without permission.

Neptune's Ethno-cultural Mandate
Neptune Theatre seeks to promote equity, inclusion and access by amplifying voices and stories that have been historically marginalized or underrepresented, and we factor this into every decision we make.

We encourage submissions from all genders, ethnicities, abilities and identities. Priority consideration will be given to those who self-identify as IBPOC, LGBTQ2S+, d/Deaf, living with disabilities, and/or facing other systemic challenges.

All should be aware that Neptune does not tolerate any form of harassment of its employees, clients, volunteers, or any persons visiting or spending time on our premises or online spaces.

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