Volunteer Application: Erie Trap and Release
After you complete our volunteer application, our staff will contact you within a few days to provide further details and to let you know the next step to the volunteer process. We look forward to having you on board!
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Name: (First, Last) *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
Full Address: *
Occupation, Employer: *
If you attend school, what school and year are you in?
Are you over or under the age of 18? *
Have you ever volunteered with Erie Trap and Release? *
If you previuosly volunteered with us, what tasks did you perform and why did you leave?
Are you presently volunteering or have you volunteered, for any community or charitable organization? If so, which organizations, when and what were your tasks? *
Are you volunteering to satisfy a community service requirement? *
If you are volunteering to satisfy a community service requirement, what is the requirement?
Please indicate in which, if any, you have previous experience or skills (check all that apply, add anything additional the the text field below): *
List 2 References: Name, Address, Phone #, Relationship *
I am most interested in the following postions.. *
Have you ever had or do you currently have a pet or pets? *
Please list any and all pets. Include the type of animal and age:
We require a 6 month commitment from volunteers. Will you be able to volunteer with us for the next 6 months? *
How often are you looking to volunteer? *
What days can you typically be available to volunteer? *
What time are you available? (Please note these are time ranges, we require at least 2 hours minimum for each shift range) *
Are you willing to volunteer at ETAR with the greatest need even if it is not your top choice? *
Please describe your availability to do volunteer work *
In a few sentences, tell us why you want to volunteer with ETAR: *
Is there anything else you would like us to know? If so, tell us here!
How did you hear about ECAR? *
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