EEC Board & Committee Interest + Recommendations Form
EEC has a board and advisory committee comprised of volunteers. The EEC board is made up of officers: Co-Chairs, plus a Secretary, and a Treasurer. To support the board, there is an advisory committee that provides additional leadership.

For the board, we are looking for individuals to take action with us; to be an active member of the organization.  To be eligible for the board, the individual must have attended a minimum of six combined meetings or events, which must include at least three general monthly meetings.

The responsibilities for the board are as follows:
- Active in organizational planning and decision making.
- Advocates for our mission.
- Ensure we follow the law and remain financially solvent.
- Attends meetings: there will be a minimum of four (4) regular board meetings each calendar year, at times and places fixed by the board.

For the advisory committee, we're looking for people that can provide feedback, input, and guidance for new initiatives and/or organizational problems or opportunities. We are looking for people that have a passion for EEC, sustainability, and/or community building. There will not be regularly scheduled meetings, meetings will be called when needed in coordination with the committee.  

Are you interested in joining or do you have someone to recommend for the EEC board or advisory committee?

If yes, please fill out this form to state your interest and share why.

To complete the form:
- Some answers are required, some are not.
- Completion is excepted to take 3-10 minutes.

If you are unable to use the form, reach out to Renee or Tricia to share your interest or recommendation directly.
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Are you submitting this form for yourself or to recommend another individual? *
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