Southern Blue Ridge PBA

The Southern Blue Ridge Prescribed Burn Association (PBA) is a cooperative partnership between private landowners and land managers with support from various prescribe fire groups and agencies.  The goal is to increase the use of prescribe fire in our area with a primary focus on enabling landowners and their capacity for managing fire use, and to facilitate resource and information sharing across the association.  Our coverage area includes (but not limited to) Buncombe, Madison, Yancey, Mitchell, Avery, Caldwell, Burke, and McDowell Counties.

By entering your email you wish to be a part of or receive information from the Southern Blue Ridge Prescribed Burn Association.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name
Contact Phone Number (will not be shared)
You are... *
Name of property or agency
In what county do you own forest or agricultural land, or what counties do you represent? (Check all that apply)
Do you currently have forestland that would benefit from some type of prescribed fire? If so, describe any additional items, tasks, or resources you may need to carry out a burn. For example: fireline construction needed, burn planning, cost-sharing, certified burn course, etc.
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Have you taken the NC Certified Burner Class?
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Are you a North Carolina Certified Burner?
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If not, how interested would you be in taking the landowner burn course and working toward becoming a NC Certified Burner?
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How many prescribed burns have you participated on?
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Please rank the topic based on your training needs with 1 being the most needed and 6 the least needed...
Preparing written burn plans
Assessing fire weather
Assessing fuel conditions
Smoke management
Site evaluations and burns objectives
Resources needed and burn execution
What other prescribed fire topics would you be interested in?
Do you have woodland or agriculture property and are interested in hosting a PBA meeting or tour? Describe...
Are you a Certified Burner and would be interested in becoming a NC Burn Mentor to assist landowners with their certification process?
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The Southern Blue Ridge PBA is constantly looking for individuals who are willing to invest their time and abilities to be part of the leadership and guidance of the association. Would you be interested in taking part in the leadership of the Southern Blue Ridge PBA?
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Why are you interested in prescribed fire?
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Describe any skills or resources you could offer to the PBA? (burn experience, tools and equipment, information sharing, instruction, marketing, etc...)
Any additional comments? Anything else you would like us to know about you? Did we miss anything?
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