Buddy Project is one of the most valuable initiatives for first year students that the UTS LSS has to offer. It's
The program pairs first year students with more experienced students to act as a personal Buddy. Your Buddy can be anything from a study buddy, coffee mate, or a best friend. The program is what you make of it!
Throughout the
year the UTS LSS will be facilitating Buddy Events. Whether you want to attend these events with or without your buddy is entirely up to you. These events are a fun way for buddies in small and large groups to connect, make life-long friends and ensure your university experience is memorable!
In addition, buddies are encouraged to engage outside of Buddy Project events. For the first time the UTS LSS will be awarding prizes for the most creative buddy hangout sessions. Stay tuned for more details!
Applications Open: NOW
Applications Close: Friday 16th March at 6pm.
Follow the UTS LSS Facebook page to hear the latest on our Buddy Project events throughout the year.
For any queries, please contact our Education Engagement Directors, Matthew Ham and Kyarah Bouchahine, at
edu.engagement1@utslss.com and