LA Application for OChem
Email *
First Name 
Last Name 
I am available next semester M & W 1-1:50pm to attend the LA class (formerly CH 372C, now CH 308). 

If you check "No" we will assume you are trying to clear this conflict (e.g., get into a different lab section) since attendance MW @1 is required of all LAs.
Indicate which section of ochem you would like to LA for. 

If either section works equally well, check "1st Choice" for both.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
I have a conflict
Tu/Th 2:00-3:15pm
Tu/Th 3:30-4:45pm
Expected Graduation *
Who was your Org 1 (e.g., 320M) Prof? *
What was your Org 1 Grade? *
Who was/is your Org 2 Prof? *
What is/was your Org 2 Grade? (give current grade if you are enrolled in Org 2 this semester) *
If you have taken the Chemistry LA course in the past (372C), list the semester(s) and the subject for which you were an LA (ie, "genchem Fall 2023" or "organic Spr 2024")
If you have experience as a paid UGTA or paid tutor, list the department(s), course(s), and semester(s).
Briefly describe past experiences or special skills that you think will make you an exemplary organic chemistry LA. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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