WCC UK Co-Mentoring Triads Sign-up 2024-25
Use this form to sign up to the WCC UK's Co-Mentoring Triads Scheme for the academic year 2024-25. The WCC UK Co-Mentoring Triad Scheme provides the opportunity to engage in a fixed-term mutually beneficial mentoring arrangement with two other people, with guidance from the WCC. The deadline for signing up is September 18th, and you will be put in touch with the other members of your triad by September 20th.

Triads will be grouped together around specific themes and interests that the members wish to explore in the coming year, as well as other factors such as preferred method of communication and location. Triads will ideally contain members of a variety of career stages. Members of a triad will be introduced to one another by the scheme administrator. Guidance on how to make the most of co-mentoring will be provided to triad members. Co-mentoring triads are expected to last one year, starting early in the academic year in late September.

Please note that information from this form may be shared with other members of the triad in the initial introduction.

All triad members must abide by the Mentoring Code of Conduct, which can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFcuw3FCe0Adje9nmjovl-BZXdofT_vH4XU0j4Q0pXtTVYSjuL56YaJ96aKpglO_5H5ZlZzlCU1mbI/pub

If you have any questions, please contact the Mentoring Liaison, Anna Judson (apj454 [at] gmail.com).
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