Bullying Incident Reporting Form - Avon District Note: 
Reports may be made anonymously, but no disciplinary action will be taken against an alleged aggressor solely on the basis of an anonymous report.
Name of Reporter/Person filing the report:
This line may be left blank if anonymous report is being made.
Check whether you are the:
Check whether you are a:
Your telephone number:
This line may be left blank if anonymous report is being made.

Your telephone number:
This line may be left blank if anonymous report is being made.

If you are a student, your grade:
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Information about the incident:
Name of target of behavior:
Name of aggressor (person who engaged in the behavior):
Date(s) of incident(s):
Time(s) when incident(s) occurred:
Your answer

Location of incident (please be specific):
Describe the details of the incident (including names of people involved, what occurred, and what each person said, including specific words used).
Please include the names of people who saw the incident or have information about it.
Witness 1 Name

Witness 2 Name
Witness 3 Name
Witness 4 Name
Witness 5 Name
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This form was created inside of Avon Public Schools. Report Abuse