Registration - Int. Workshop Neuron Reconstruction & Applications, Sept 8-10, 2018
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Presentation Topic(if any)
Payment Method
                  收款人名称: 东南大学
                  账号:             3200  1594  1380  5912  3456
                  开户行名称: 建设银行南京四牌楼支行
                  行号:             105301000361
                  Payee:             Southeast University
                  Account:         5040  5821  6351
                  Bank:               Bank of China, Nanjing Centre Branch
                  Address:         NO. 105ZHONG SHAN EAST ROAD, NANJING JIANGSU, CHINA
                 SWIFT code:   BKCHCNBJ940
Please include the workshop name in the payment notes when you pay so that we can confirm the payment quickly.                                                                                                Please send your payment receipt to after you pay. Thank you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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