February PSEO Boot Camp Registration
In February, People for PSEO is launching "PSEO Boot Camp" to prepare students with the information and skills needed to be successful in the PSEO program. Please complete this form in order to be among our first participants!
Email *
Full Name *
I am a... *
Student High School Graduation Year *
Student High School Name *
Email Address *
Student Phone Number (optional for communication purposes)
Parent/Guardian Full Name *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number (optional for communication purposes)
Preferred Contact Method *
Race/Ethnicity *
Estimated Household Income (guess if needed!) *
Are you planning to apply for PSEO in the upcoming academic year (2025-2026)?  *
What is your primary motivation for considering PSEO? (select all that apply)
What is your current cumulative GPA? 
Please provide three academic fields or potential majors that you are interested in studying or learning more about: *

Do you have any specific colleges in mind for PSEO? If yes, please list

How did you hear about this PSEO Boot Camp?
Do you have reliable access to a computer and internet for virtual sessions?

Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your PSEO goals or concerns?

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