Scaling up citizen science air-quality monitoring projects

Recognising how important air quality monitoring is to so many people across the globe, we wish to bring practitioners together from across the world to compare approaches and results and discuss the possibilities of creating a collaboration/consortium to take our work further, together.

Our goal is to explore the possibilities of a global citizen science projects concerning air quality, we want to identify the different optimal designs of air quality monitoring strategies for multi- national use.  

Initially we are looking for solutions based on a dense network of low-cost passive diffusers (e.g., for NOx) in combination with a selection of continuous online sensors as a reference, and we  are very open to learn about and consider all different approaches.

In a first phase of this project, we aim to map as many different air quality monitoring initiatives involving citizens as possible, and identify the sensors and technology that are used in different places.

If you will be interested in exploring this theme together with us, please complete the following questionnaire:

We look forward to hearing from you and working with you!
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Contact details - First and last name *
We will use your personal data provided above to keep in touch with you about the Citizen Science Air-quality monitoring working group, and in order to aid communication within the group. We will never sell your data, nor share it with third parties, and we promise to do our best to keep your details safe and secure. You can unsubscribe or request that your data be deleted at any time. Please indicate your consent with this below.
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Your afilliated organisations/institutions/company *
Your practical experience  - are you part of air-quality monitoring initiatives involving citizens? *
Name and short description of the initiative/s *
Background information - URL, documents, published papers etc. *
What location/country/region does your research cover?
What are the start and end dates of your monitoring ? If your project is continuing how long do you expect it to run?
What parameters do/did you measure? *
What monitoring devices did/do you use *
What other data do you collect
Are the results or data from your project/s publicly available?
What data repository/ies do you use
Are the data collected FAIR data (Finble, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-useable)
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Does your data contribute to your national statistics
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Does your data contribute to your country's reporting on the Sustainable Developement Goals 
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Can you provide a linkto your data
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