Pet Adoption Application and Agreement
Pet Adoption and Wellness Services (PAWS)
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Adoption fee for dogs is $300, (higher for purebreds), pits and chis $100, and cats/kittens $125, $150 for two cats, exotics $200. Which are you interested in? (check all that apply)
Email Address:
Cell Phone
Work Phone:
Name of the pet you are applying for:
Description of the pet you are applying for:
Do you want this pet for:
This pet will be without human companionship ___ hours per day, ___ days per week:
If you are adopting a cat, do you plan to let it outdoors?
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Where will your pet be kept during the day? (check all that apply)
Where will your pet be kept at night? (check all that apply)
What is your living situation? Do you . . .
Where do you live?
Landlord's Name:
Landlord's Phone Number:
Does your landlord allow pets?
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If your landlord allows pets, how much is the deposit or monthly rent increase?
Do you have a fenced yard?
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If your yard is fenced, what type of fence is it and what is its height?
Number of adults in your household:
Number of children:
Ages of children:
If applicable, is anyone in your family allergic to dogs?
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If applicable, is anyone in your family allergic to cats?
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What will you do with your pets if you move in the future?
Do you realize that it may cost hundreds of dollars per year to feed, vaccinate, license, and provide medical care for your pet?
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Do you realize that a dog or cat may live 15 years or more?
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Are you prepared to allow your new pet two or more weeks to adjust to his/her new home, especially if other animals are involved?
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Would you be willing to allow us to visit your home before the adoption is complete?
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Have you ever given up a pet?
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If you have given up a pet, please explain why:
Describe the pets you own or have owned in the last 10 years:
Pet #1 Name:
Pet #1 Type/Breed:
Pet #1 Age:
Pet #1 Gender:
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Pet #1 Spayed/Neutered?
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If you no longer own Pet #1, please explain what happened:
Pet #2 Name:
Pet #2 Type/Breed:
Pet #2 Age:
Pet #2 Gender:
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Pet #2 Spayed/Neutered?
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If you no longer own Pet #2, please explain what happened:
Pet #3 Name:
Pet #3 Type/Breed:
Pet #3 Age:
Pet #3 Gender:
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Pet #3 Spayed/Neutered?
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If you no longer own Pet #3, please explain what happened:
Who is/was your veterinarian for the above animals?
Vet's Phone Number:
Who is the veterinarian you plan to use for your new pet?
Vet's Phone Number:
When would you be ready to bring home your new pet if approved?
Adoption Application Agreement:
By checking this box and submitting this form, I certify that the information I have given is true and that I recognize that my misrepresentation of the facts may result in my losing the privilege of adopting a pet from Pet Adoption and Wellness Services (PAWS). I authorize investigation of all statements in this application.
Pet Adoption Agreement:
By checking this box and submitting this form, I, hereafter known as "Adopter," agree to the conditions set forth by Pet Adoption and Wellness Services (PAWS) in the following Pet Adoption Agreement in order to adopt a pet from this rescue organization.
The adoptive family represents and warrants that all members of the family are free of past and present charges of animal cruelty or neglect. "Adopter" agrees that the "Pet" will be a house pet who lives indoors. The "Adopter" and adoptive family accepts the following conditions in order to adopt the "Pet."
Most PAWS pets are altered prior to placement with adoptive families; however, sometimes puppies or kittens are too young to be altered, in which case the "Adopter" agrees coordinate with PAWS to spay or neuter the "Pet" when age permits.
Dogs and cats are indoor pets and will be kept accordingly. The "Pet" will be provided adequate outdoor shelter, water, and secured fence or kennel area to prevent escape or theft when outdoors. Invisible fencing is not deemed secure fencing. The "Pet" will NOT be housed or left outdoors for extensive periods of time.
Adequate grooming will be provided to keep the "Pet" flea and tick free, and to maintain condition of coat, feet, teeth, nails, and eyes. "Adopter's" "Pet" will be taken for a once yearly full vet checkup. "Adopter" will keep is/her "Pet" up-to-date on all vaccines and provide regionally appropriate parasite prevention, such as heart worm preventative. Should medical care be needed, "Adopter" shall immediately provide adequate care. If "Adopter" is unable to provide care, PAWS will be notified at once.
"Adopter" will provide nutritionally healthy, good quality food, and clean, fresh water in sufficient quantity. Comfortable bedding, toys, and treats will be provided for the "Pet" as needed.
"Adopter" agrees to provide an environment that ensures proper and adequate socialization of the "Pet" to people and animals. This includes, but is not limited to, providing the "Pet" regular contact with other animals and people. This encourages the "Pet" to maintain socially acceptable behavior and discourage habits or situations that could result in intolerable or nuisance behaviors.  
"Adopter" agrees to refrain from all activities that will result in creating an aggressive or fearful reaction in the "Pet." This includes, but is not limited to, allowing children or other persons or animals to abuse, tease, torture, or otherwise hurt or frighten the "Pet." A safe and emotionally nurturing environment will be provided for the "Pet." The "Pet" will not be chained, kenneled outdoors, or used in ANY dog/animal fighting, or treated cruelly, neglectfully, or subjected to any biological, chemical, physical, or psychological experimentation.
"Adopter" agrees to admit a PAWS member into their home to check on the "Pet" and to make sure there is full compliance with the conditions of this agreement, should PAWS, in its sole discretion, deem a post-adoption home check necessary at any time. Failure to comply with all conditions stated herein will be cause for PAWS to demand return of the "Pet." "Adopter" hereby agrees that should PAWS make demand for return of the "Pet," Adopter shall comply forthwith with such request. Should "Adopter" refuse, "Adopter" shall be responsible for all costs incurred for PAWS to proceed with the legal process for return of said "Pet."
"Adopter" agrees to contact PAWS immediately if this "Pet" is lost or stolen.
Return Policy:
PAWS agrees to accept the return of this "Pet" at any time for any reason. If "Adopter" is unable to keep or care for the "Pet," PAWS must be notified at once. "Adopter" will not sell, give away, release to a shelter, or rehome this "Pet." Reasonable effort will be made to accommodate the expeditious return of the "Pet" to a PAWS representative at a mutually agreeable time and place.   If the return cannot be immediately arranged, "Adopter" agrees to responsibly care for the "Pet" until the return can be arranged. Should "Adopter" require immediate placement of the "Pet," shipment to a designated PAWS representative can be arranged at the sole cost of the "Adopter" with prior written permission of PAWS which shall not be unreasonable withheld.
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