2022-2023 FLAG Award for Excellence in Creative Teaching
FLAG established this award to recognize a teacher of the gifted each year who constructs creative learning environments in which students and teachers alike explore, imagine, and engage in a variety of thought-provoking experiences. The deadline to submit the application is February 28, 2023. Winners will be notified on March 6, 2023.  The funds will be sent by March 31, 2023. Current FLAG Board Members and Family Members of Current FLAG Board Members are not eligible for this award. The educator will receive a certificate and $500.
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First name *
Last name *
Street address *
City and zip *
Email address *
Cell phone *
Alternate phone *
School name *
School street address *
School city and zip *
School district *
Years Teaching *
Grade level you teach currently *
Describe how you constructed a creative learning environment in which you and your students explore, imagine and engage in a variety of thought-provoking experiences. *
Four Letters of Recommendation: Administrator (1), Parent (1), Colleague (1), Student (1). List names, titles, and years known here: * *
Email, as attachments in PDF format, the four letters of recommendation, and a detailed lesson unit plan (this will be posted and shared with FLAG members). Please also share any pictures (jpeg format) of your students participating in the unit (each student must have a photo release signed for your classroom use). All materials must be submitted by February 1, 2022 to: ATrujillo.President@floridagifted.org. *
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