UMEA Awards Nominations 2023-24
Take a minute and think about the teachers, administrators, and people who have given service to our Utah Music Education community during the 2023-24 school year.  Nominees must be members of UMEA, and should be nominated by UMEA members.  The purpose of these awards is for music educators to be recognized by their peers for the great things in music they have accomplished.  These nominations should be reflective of the work during the past school year.  Nominate as many people in every area that you feel deserves these awards.  All nominations are due by October 26, 2024.  Thank you for your time in helping us to recognize the amazing music educators and their support in the state!
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Awards and Descriptions (for a list of previous recipients, click here)
Elementary Music Award 
  • Awarded to an elementary teacher or elementary music specialist whose contributions expand and enrich the elementary music experience. The recipient must be a UMEA member. 

Junior High/Middle School Music Award 
  • Awarded to a junior high/middle school music teacher who has consistently demonstrated distinct, commendable achievement and service to students and to the profession; someone who has participated in and contributed to activities sponsored by UMEA. The recipient must be a member of UMEA. 

Senior High School Music Award 
  • Awarded to a high school music teacher who has consistently demonstrated distinct, commendable achievement and service to students and the profession; someone who has participated in and contributed to the activities sponsored by UMEA. The recipient must be a member of UMEA. 

 Outstanding Music Educator Award 
  • Top state award endowed for an outstanding music educator’s long-term, meritorious service, assistance, and inspiration to students, to the state, and to music teachers. The recipient must be an active member of UMEA who has demonstrated an enduring commitment to music education excellence. 

Superior Accomplishment Award 
  • Awarded for one, specifically outstanding accomplishment. This award could be granted for accomplishments such as: special scholarship; grants; recognition from other professional organizations; national or regional convention performances; prestigious conducting invitations; workshop presentations. The award recipient must be a member of UMEA. 

Outstanding Administrator Award 
  • Awarded to a public school administrator who has demonstrated commitment to and support of music education in the schools. Nomination may be for long-term music program support or for an outstanding, one-time contribution. Recipients do not need to be a member of any professional music organization. 
Service to Music Education Award 
  • Given to a non-UMEA member; someone outside the music education profession who has given special service, assistance, and opportunities to further enhance music education and the fine arts. 
Presidential Award 
  • Awarded at the discretion of the UMEA President.
Award Category (refer to descriptions above) *
Name of Nominee *
Where does this nominee currently teach *
Describe the qualifications of this nominee *
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