School Composting Interest Form
Please fill out when your school is interested in starting a composting program with Farmer Pirates Compost. Your answers to these questions will help us understand your school and the best way to guide you on implementing a composting program.
Farmer Pirates Compost
124 Coit St
Buffalo, NY 14206
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Email *
Name of School
Primary Contact Name and Position
Primary Contact Email
Primary Contact Phone #
Grade level of school (ex. k-3)
# of students enrolled
If you know the dates of your school breaks, please enter them here.
Does the school have any prior experience with food scrap recycling/composting? *
Is the school currently participating in a recycling program during lunch periods? *
Is the school currently participating in a food donation program? *
Has the school ever conducted a Waste Audit?
Does the kitchen staff prepare lunches in house or do lunches come pre-made from a central location/commissary?
Are the trays used for lunches disposable or washable?
Are the utensils used for lunches disposable or washable?
Is there currently a "Green Team" established at your school?
Does the school currently have a budget for implementing a food scrap composting program?
Are there any other details that you want us to know about your school and/or your intentions for implementing a food scrap composting program?
Once we review this form, someone from our team will reach out to schedule a phone meeting. What are the best times to reach you?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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