2018-19 Artist Post Residency Survey
Please complete one survey per school that you have worked in this year.

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Email *
Artist (or Arts Organization) Name *
School Name *
Type of Residency *
If you selected "Performing," what area of the performing arts was covered? *
Please list grade levels served, including # of classes per grade level, AND the # of students per class. Example: 2nd grade - 3 classes (29, 30, and 28 students), 1st grade - 1 class (30 students). *
Was there an MPS representative present in your class? *
Is this your first project with Arts @ Large? *
If YES, please provide feedback as a first time artist educator.
What were your personal goals for the residency? Do you feel you achieved them? *
Describe the residency's impact on students, teachers, and the community. How did the residency affect your work as an artist? *
Did you find that creating your Learning Targets were helpful in the classroom? *
Did you use your Learning Targets throughout the residency? If no, why not? *
Do you feel that there was enough support given to you to ensure the success of learning with students of special needs? *
Please provide feedback if you feel there was not enough support.
Of the Professional Development that was offered to you this year, did you find it to be beneficial to your teaching? *
If YES or NO, please describe why.
What would you like to see offered for Professional Development in the coming year?
The planning process was sufficient to meet the needs of the residency. *
The residency schedule was acceptable *
The contracting process was acceptable. *
Materials/supplies were available when needed and for all participants. *
The facility was adequate to meet the needs of the residency. *
Arts @ Large staff were helpful in facilitating the project. *
School contacts were helpful in planning and implementing the program. *
School faculty was available to assist during contact hours with students. *
The residency promoted an inclusive environment for all students. *
The final presentation to showcase student work was well received. *
This experience has increased my level of comfort in creating projects that are inclusive of students will a variety of learning and physical abilities. *
This project / arts experience has increased my level of comfort having students with special needs work side by side with their regular education peers. *
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