An open letter to the Labour NEC: We demand justice against the saboteurs!
For the attention of Keir Starmer, Jennie Formby and all members of the Labour Party National Executive Committee,

We, the undersigned, are shocked and disgusted at the behaviour of the Labour Party’s Governance and Legal Unit, as revealed in the recently leaked report.

The report proves that powerful layers of the bureaucracy of the Labour Party hold the party’s membership in contempt. These officials were determined to do everything they could to undermine the elected party leadership, the membership, and the party as a whole. This includes working against a Labour victory in the 2017 general election.

The report also reveals that the right wing of the Labour Party is a cesspit of racism, bullying and deceit. Arrogant officials and MPs despise socialists and those who fight for the working class, and are committed to turning Labour into a party that wholeheartedly supports big business.

It is high time that the party’s membership had real, democratic control over their representatives and the party apparatus. We therefore demand the following:

- The expulsion for gross misconduct of all those that the report proves conspired against the party.
- An amnesty for all those expelled or suspensed unjustly during Iain McNicol's time as general secretary.
- The democratic right for the membership to elect all Labour Party officials.
- The introduction of mandatory open selection processes for all sitting Labour MPs and prospective parliamentary candidates.
- That all MPs take the wage of a skilled worker, with the surplus donated back to the party.
- That Keir Starmer makes an explicit statement condemning the disgraceful, treacherous behaviour of these guilty sections of the party bureaucracy.

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