We are so excited for our student ministries here at Mount Olivet Baptist Church! we want to create an atmosphere where each student feels like they belong. We invite any student in Jr. high or High School to be a part of this awesome new ministry of MOBC!

For: 6th-12th Grade
Launch Date: September 4th
Time: 6:00-7:30

If you have any questions please do not be afraid to contact the church!
Students Name *
Email *
Birthday *
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Address *
Phone number *
Extra Curricular Activities 
Favorite Candy?
Allergies/Medical Needs/Special Accommodations *
Parents/Guardian *
Parents/Guardians Phone Number *
Parents/Guardians Email  *
Our transportation is limited. Will your child need transportation home?
If Yes, What is your physical address?
Interested in Student Leadership Team?
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I, (Parent/guardian), understand that MOBC has taken reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of my student.  I hereby release MOBC from liability for injuries sustained while my student participates in the previously stated MOBC Student ministries.  I understand that MOBC will not dispense any medications to my Student, and I will be notified if the need for medication or medical treatment arises.  I understand that I am responsible for picking up my Student at the end of the MOBC Student activity unless transportation has been arranged with MOBC. (Please put your full name as this will act as an electronic signature)
Date *
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