Proven Mastermind
Jim and some key leaders of integrity and influence who have all built multiple seven figure sized businesses with decades of experience are now forming a Mastermind for a limited number of participants. We'd love your input if you're interested.
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Full Name *
Phone number *
This is an open ended set of questions. What would the ideal mastermind experience look like for you?  Consider the following:  What qualifications should we have for members of the group? Do you like Zoom? Want some live meet-ups? Prefer weekly/monthly meetings? What time of day is good for you? Would you want occasionally one-on-one attention or maybe "hot seat" experiences for members where we drill into their business in a session? *
How many people would you envision being in the perfect sized group for you? *
What would you be willing to pay one time or monthly for such an experience as described above? *
What other factors would help you make your decision? *
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