Thank you for your interest in adopting a dog from the Pendleton County Animal Shelter.  In an effort to ensure the best possible placement for the dogs in our care, and to help improve our services, we ask that you fill out the following application completely.  All information will be kept confidential.  If you currently own a dog(s), we recommend that you bring them in to meet the dog you are interested in adopting.
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Dog you are interested in
Your Name
Last Name, First Name
Street, City, Zip
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Alternate Phone
How old are you?
Type of home you live in
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How long have you lived at this residence?
Do you own or rent your home?
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If you rent, does your landlord allow dogs?
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If your name is not listed as owner of property, provide name and phone number for property owner:
How many adults live in your house?
Ages of children in house
Are all members of your household in agreement about adopting a dog?
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Do any members of your household have asthma or allergies to dogs?
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If yes, please describe:
Describe your household activity level (calm, highly active, etc):
In the event of a personal or family emergency, who would care for your dog, or what arrangement would you make for your pet’s care?  Please describe.
Do you currently own any other pets/animals:
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If yes, list species (for dogs also list breeds and ages):
If you currently have a dog(s)…
Does he/she have a current county license tag?
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If yes, in what county?
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Is your dog spayed/neutered?
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If not spayed / neutered, why?
Is your dog up to date on vaccinations?
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If not up to date on vaccinations, why?
Please provide the name, address, and phone number of your veterinarian (if you do not currently have one, what veterinary practice do you plan to use?)
Have you ever given a pet away?
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If yes, who was your pet given to:
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Have you ever had an animal lost or stolen?
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Have you ever had to retrieve your animal from a shelter or animal control?
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Where will your dog be when you are home?
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How many hours will your dog be alone during the day?
Do you have a fenced yard?
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If yes, what type and height of fence?
If not, how will you keep dog on property when outside?  
If you have to move, what would you do with your adopted pet?
Are you willing and able to accept the long-term commitment and financial expenses that come with owning and properly caring for a dog?
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For what reasons would you consider returning or giving up your adopted dog
Please read
In the event you are unable to keep the dog for any reason, you must contact the Pendleton County Animal Shelter.  If you have a friend or family member who is interested in the dog, we require that they sign all paperwork and we will transfer the dog to them.  

By submitting this application and signing a paper copy upon receipt of the dog, I am stating that I have answered all questions completely and truthfully.  In the event the Pendleton County Animal Shelter (at any later time) discovers a falsehood, the adoption shall be annulled and the dog seized.  I acknowledge that I have been informed the Pendleton County Animal Shelter reserves the right to deny any application.
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