Columbus IN Emmaus Team Application  - Men's 
This form is for men wanting to work on a future Walk. 
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Name *
Date of Birth
Home Address *
 Cell Phone:
Email *
Work/Home Phone
My Walk # and Community *
What church do you attend? How often? *
How do you serve in your church?
In what ways are you active in the Emmaus Community? 
Have served on team
Please list any talks you have given.
Are you interested in serving on a music team?
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Music Team - Do you play an instrument, sing, or both? (Please list instruments)
Please list any health concerns. Allergies, Dietary Needs, Etc.
Can you sleep in a bunk?
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Please consider me for the:
Signature (Your printed name will serve as your signature).
I understand that there is a fee to serve on team. This fee helps to cover walk expenses. The fee will be collected at the first team meeting. Current Walk fee is $120.00 
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