CFVI Grant Interest Form

CFVI issues Requests for Proposals (RFP) to announce when designated funding is available to support projects and/or programs. Guidelines vary based on the funding source. Please monitor the CFVI website and join CFVI’s mailing list to receive notifications when funding becomes available.     

CFVI accepts unsolicited grant interest requests to stay informed about needs, ideas, and opportunities in the community. Please note we generally do not sponsor events.

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Email *
Name *
Organization / Affiliation *
Select the type of organization. Please note we cannot provide support to for-profit organizations or individuals (except for student scholarships & eligible emergency assistance to individuals).
What is the need or project/program for which you would seek funding if provided the opportunity, and what is the estimated budget? Please be brief/succinct. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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